Your mind is naturally healthy and constantly trying to supply you with optimum functionality.Ironically, mind outcomes such as anxiety, addictions or depression, are actually confounded best options the mind has identified to protect or drive you.
Read MoreYou need to be in touch with your own emotions in order to have a successful relationship.
Read MoreIt is that time of year again! Fall is here and it is back to school. With back to school comes a goodbye to sleeping in and beach days
Read MoreMore in more in my therapy practice, clients report anxiety, depression, anhedonia, and amotivation associated with increased cannabis intake.
Read MoreIt is helpful to have “psychological flashcards” that we have come up with in advance, to turn to in moments of emotional distress.
Read MoreOpposites attract usually when there are personality disorders involved. Why is this?
Read More“Pretend your own anxiety is a Tiger. Now, imagine it is staring straight at you.”
Read MoreNarcopathy is a pop psychology term – it is not in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). But I now am a believer that Narcopathy is real.
Read MoreHaving someone in your life who is struggling with envy, greed, or jealousy can be a psychically draining experience.
Read MoreCodependency is a pattern of painful dependence upon compulsive behaviors and approval of others to find safety, self-worth, and identity.
Read MoreMany times we get caught up in being validated externally by others, and because of this, we create a “false” version of ourselves.
Read MoreTrauma is the emotional response we may have to a triggering event, but the scary thing is, trauma doesn't just go away — it lives deep within us.
Read MorePsychodynamic psychotherapy is insight-oriented work looking at individuals' deep unconscious motivations, fantasies, drives, and desires that may lead to their behaviors and actions.
Read MoreWelcome to my space for writing about psychology — my personal musing and observations
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